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10 tips for a Successful Business in a Post COVID-19 world
While the world begins to open up again, these 15 helpful tips can make sure that you and your company are prepared for the future. 1. Assess your business. At the end of COVID-19, your business has succeeded in weathering the storm. Chances are, it's not unscathed. To progress and help rebuild, you need to make sure you know where the financ...

What to Expect from Industry 4.0 in Summer 2021
Knowing the latest trends will help keep your company updated and prepared for the rigorous year ahead. Exiting Out of COVID-19 The lucky companies that survived COVID-19 are most likely still facing difficulties as they struggle to form a new sense of normalcy after working on a different schedule – but for businesses, now is the best time to beg...

5 Lifechanging Tips for Young Entrepreneurs
The past year has been a difficult time for business, but with the country slowly beginning to open up again, a lot of youth are seeing opportunity in a soon-to-be bustling Canada. Though they may be armed with plans made during the extended down-time, there may still be some hesitation in taking the plunge. 1. Network. Networking is one of t...

What is ERP?
We explain the basics of Enterprise Resource Planning and why it is crucial to the success of a company. What is ERP, Anyway? An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a category of business software that joins the separate areas of a company such as human resources, accounting, client relations and product management into one complete solution.

What Happens After Installing an ERP System?
When a company buys ERP software, the aftermath can be complicated. The transferring of data onto the ERP system takes time and so does learning a new system. This is why Phoenix Systems has such powerful customer support. Here are five ways that Phoenix Systems is there for you after you buy your system.

How Digital Transformation Can Benefit Your Business
We often hear a lot of different things about digital transformation. It is inevitable that with the advances in the technological world will come changes and the need for adaptations. Often times, business owners are uncertain of the need digitalize their company – it is scary, especially when you don't fully understand what this means for your business.

How to Create a Digital Transformation Plan
A study conducted by Tech Pro in 2018 concluded that 70% of organizations either have a digital transformation plan in practice or are working on one.It is clear that digitalization is a big part of our present and creating a successful plan to implement those changes is essential to shape a strong future for your organization.

3 Ways in Which You Can Manage Your Digital Transformation
A 2015 study conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC) found that we reduced the number of pages we printed. Good news! What is interesting is that digitalization is the number one reason for that reduction. For those of us not yet on board with digital transformation but considering it, we need to be thoughtful as to how we embark on the digital transformation journey.

How Has COVID-19 Affected Digital Transformation?
Since COVID-19, workplaces have shut down and social distancing has become the norm. This has forced many people to rely on technology more than ever before. This includes people who looked at digital transformation as an option had to now prioritize it more than anything. So, let us take a look as to how this global pandemic has affected the digit...

4 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Paperless Office
In the past few decades, we have started to look into the possibility of a paperless future – a future free of cash, stacks of paper on our tables and waste for the environment. When you are responsible for an organization, you are always thinking of possible ways to streamline operations, save time and cut costs. What if going paperless was one of the answers to these concerns?

Everything You Need to Know About Blockchain Technology
It is likely that you think of bitcoin whenever you hear the term "blockchain," and that is because bitcoin is based on a distributed ledger, more specifically, a blockchain. Bitcoin's ledger was the first blockchain ever created; however, the technology has begun to grow outside of bitcoin, and it has spread across the global economy. Why?

Why a Best of Breed ERP Solution Makes Sense for the Food and Beverage Industry
The food and beverage industry, much like any other industry, is filled with challenges: maintaining a reliable and high performing labor force, machinery uptime, shipping deadlines, bringing in enough sales, cash flow, packaging and so much more.

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: How are they Connected?
Our previous blog post discussed the difference between 'artificial intelligence' and 'machine learning.' Yet, another buzz word we often hear is 'Big Data.' So, what is the difference between 'artificial intelligence' and 'Big Data,' how are they interconnected, and are they even comparable? Let's find out..

Cyberattacks on Business are Up - What Secure ERPs can do to Mitigate That
The information era brings with it many benefits. But as business grows, the chance of being taken advantage of grows too. Cyberattacks are on the Rise A report from Proofpoint based in the United States has confirmed that 63% of businesses in Canada have seen an increase in targeted cyberattacks. Whether this is due to the shift to remote work, or the emboldening of cybercrime through successful attacks like the one on the Colonial Oil Pipleline, business are more at risk than ever.

6 Industry 4.0 Terms You Should Know for a Successful Business
What is Industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth Industrial revolution that has taken place in the history of humankind. The term puts emphasis on the advancement of digital technology that has emerged in the past few decades. With Industry 4.0, everyday tasks are carried out digitally and almost all businesses rely on technology in some form or another.

What are Some Upcoming Trends in AI?
For years now, people have held onto the notion that machines will replace humans. This misplaced myth cannot be farther from the truth. What we can be sure about is that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will develop and play a significant role in our day-to-day lives. AI is not to be confused with machine learning but often people do so. The trends in AI may be very hard to predict accurately but here are some plausible expectations we can have:

You Need Cloud Computing if You Work in One of These Industries
The world has changed more in the past 20 years than it did in the past 100 years. Technology advancement has been one of the most significant changes for the betterment of humankind. Despite this, technology still intimidates a lot of people who grew up in a generation without it. If you are one of those people and are working in one of the following industries...

Top 5 Benefits Unified Communications Can Offer your Business
More and more organizations are beginning to recognize the benefits of Unified Communications (UC) and are seeing the clear returns on investment. UC is a group of technologies that encompass Voice, Video and Data that provides a consistent user interface and user experience across a variety of devices.
What's New within the ERP World?
Now that you already know an ERP system is a great investment for your business, the more challenging part is actually choosing what type of system may be right for you. Here is a quick summary of what's new and upcoming within the ERP world.

The Inevitability of Industry Disruptions
According to a 2016 Mint Jutras Enterprise Solution Study, 79 percent of people think there is a low to medium risk for industry disruptions to happen. But, consider what taxi drivers thought before Uber came along, or what cell phone providers thought before WhatsApp. Industry disruptions can happen anytime, anywhere.